Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Grooveshark & Grooveshark Lite

"Grooveshark is the ability to find and listen to any song, share and receive personalized recommendations and purchase music at a fair price with the knowledge that the copyright holder will be paid."

Grooveshark features are as following:

  • All Your Music In One Place
  • A better way to organize your music
  • Build and share playlists
  • Let build playlists
  • Discover and recommend new music

Take a Video Tour about the features.

And Grooveshark's latest product "Grooveshark Lite" is a easy-to-use streaming music service with an interface based on flash that provides simultaneous navigation and uninterrupted playback. Grooveshark Lite takes Grooveshark's huge catalog of uploaded music(over 1.5 million songs) and makes it available to stream.

Read more on ReadWriteWeb.

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