Monday, June 2, 2008

Link Latte 3

Muxtape: An online mix tape-making service - Muxfind lets you to search through the muxtapes created by others in order to discover new artists, songs, and muxtapes.

Borders: A bookstore, a competitor of Barnes and Nobles that finds new ways to help customers create richer and more satisfying lives through knowledge and entertainment.

Skyfire: The mobile web browser that allows users to experience the web as they would on a PC.

illumio: A feed reader that finds news and blogs that match your interests.

Freebase: The first product of semantic web company Metaweb, is an open, semantically marked up database of information.

TruCast: Allows companies to monitor Internet buzz by analyzing blogs, social networks, consumer opinion and review sites, bulletin boards, discussion forums, newsgroups, and online news sites to determine what's being said and how engaged customers are with the company's brand.

MediaDefender: Is a company that acts on behalf of other media companies to muck up P2P and file sharing networks.

LastGraph: Lets you explore your listening history.

ReadBag, Instapaper, LaterLoop, LinkRiver are quick and easy bookmarklets to save links for later.

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