Thursday, May 22, 2008

Up in the Clouds: Winner of Doodle 4 Google

"Up in the Clouds"(created by Grace Moon) is the winning doodle of Doodle 4 Google selected from over 16,000 entries that graced Google's Homepage today.
Up in the Clouds

"My doodle, "Up in the Clouds," expresses a world in the sky. This new world is clean and fresh, and people are social and enlightened. Every person here is treated as family no matter who they are. The bright sun heats this ideal place with warmth, love, and brightens everyone's day"(Grace Moon).

Google narrowed down from more than 16,000 entries 40 finalists as regional winners. Google also created a Map of Finalists that lets you to view the doodles of finalists.

Doodle 4 Google Help Group

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Anonymous said...

I can't believe no one has left a comment. This "doodle" is so beautiful and fun! I wish Google would keep it up for a few days! and maybe a return visit!

Anonymous said...

Nice work, right? There are a lot of beautiful doodles created with incredible minds which you can see for a long while without turning a hair!