Monday, June 2, 2008

Announcement of VFS/YouTube's Scholarship Competition Winners

As with my last post, VFS the Canada's premier post-secondary entertainment arts institution and YouTube just announced the winners of one-of-a-kind scholarship competition - a three-minute video making about the theme "What Matters To You".
A couple of weeks ago VFS announced the top ten finalist whose videos were to vote until May 27. YouTube also mentioned to announce for three winners who will receive full-tuition scholarship to one of VFS's world-class programs. Today, after a week voting, YouTube announced the three winners of the VFS/YT Scholarship Competition:

  1. Jorge Rolando Caneda Estrada(Digital Design)
  2. Stefan Ramirez Perez(Foundation Visual Art & Design)
  3. Christopher Harrell(Digital Design)

Here's a playlist of three winners' videos:

The YouTube Blog

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